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Student Complaints Policy 319.04
Johnson County Community College
Series: 300 Students
Section: Code of Conduct and Discipline

Applicability: This Policy applies to Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or “the College”) students.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to provide students with a fair and efficient process to present and resolve complaints relating to matters of academic and non-academic concern and to have those complaints heard in a fair and impartial manner.


This Policy shall be available to any student who wishes to bring forward an academic or non-academic complaint that is not covered by another avenue of redress through College policies or operating procedures. For example, the following matters can be addressed through other College policies and operating procedures and are not subject to this Policy:

  • Sexual Harassment Policy 650.00 and Sexual Harassment Complaint Operating Procedure 650.01 for complaints of Sexual Harassment involving a student or employee.
  • Student Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation Policy 319.05 and Student Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation Complaint Operating Procedure 319.05 for complaints against a student or third party.
  • Employee Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Policy 420.00 and Employee Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Complaint Operating Procedure 420.01 for complaints against a College employee.
  • Student Disciplinary Action Policy 319.02 and Student Disciplinary Action Operating Procedure 319.02 for reports of 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Code of Conduct violations against a student.
  • Student Disciplinary Action Appeals Operating Procedure 319.03 for complaints regarding disciplinary action imposed upon a student.
  • Grade Review and Appeal Policy 314.08 and Grade Review and Appeal Operating Procedure 314.08 for complaints about grades received by a student.
  • Tuition Refund Policy 312.01 and Tuition Refund Appeal Operating Procedure 312.02 for complaints about tuition refunds and/or dropping a course.
  • Financial Aid Policy 313.01 for complaints about financial aid eligibility.

Complaints are best resolved if addressed early. It may be difficult to substantiate the allegations made if brought forward after significant time has passed. Complaints must be filed with the dean of the academic department for academic matters or the Office of the Dean of Student Services or the 赌钱app可以微信提现 KOPS Report Line (Keeping Our People Safe) for non-academic matters. Upon receipt of the complaint the academic dean or a dean in Student Success & Engagement shall review the matter and shall collaborate with appropriate parties and personnel to review the complaint, investigate the facts and determine what, if any, appropriate actions are to be taken. The decision of the dean will be final.

It shall be considered a violation of this Policy for any student to knowingly file a false or malicious complaint. If the College believes that such a false or malicious complaint has been filed, the matter will be addressed in accordance with the College’s applicable policies and operating procedures. Participants in the complaint resolution process should respect the matter as confidential. All information revealed and all discussions held shall be as confidential as reasonably possible within legal requirements and organizational responsibilities, and within limits allowing for the review to occur.

No employee or student shall retaliate or discriminate against a student because of the student’s filing of or participation in the review of a complaint. Retaliation includes taking any action that may have a materially adverse impact on the student’s academic success or the learning environment of the student, if such action (whether actual or threatened) is taken because of the individual’s filing of or participation in the review of a complaint under this Policy, whether or not such complaint is determined to be valid. Any person believing that retaliation has taken or is taking place should immediately report the matter to the Office of the Dean of Student Services or through the 赌钱app可以微信提现 KOPS Report Line (Keeping Our People Safe).

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 05/26/1993, 06/17/1993, 06/16/1994, 08/22/1995, 08/18/2011, 08/13/2015, 01/21/2021
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